Sunday, February 4, 2007

I Do.

Six months since my world turned upside down. Six months of joy of discover.

Six months since MW walked into my life.

It seems like such a short time to others, but man, 6 months is a lifetime to me.

You know, I feel like I live a hundred lifetimes -- a HUNDRED -- in a day. This means that in every month that has passed, we have learned who we are ... who we are not ... and what we want out of each other. We are lovers, parents, friends, therapists, cooks, Maguyvers, teachers, students, children, adults ... and so much more. We learn a little more about each other every day. It is like an adventure.

One week ago, MW took our relationship to the next level and asked me to be his wife.

It was a beautiful, impromptu proposal ... spontaneous and full of the love I know he holds for me in his heart.

I said yes. Yes to a life with him. Yes to accept all the love he can give me, as yes to hoping I can give him half as much ....

So this, is my proposal to you, MW:

I love you. I have known it since the day I met you. It grows every day and expands my heart, making it beat only for you. Never doubt that you are the only man that will ever excite me ... ever make my heart skip a beat ... ever make me miss your touch so much my body aches for you.

I will be your wife. I will take your name and hope to make you as happy as you have made me.

That is my promise to you ...

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