Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Aroma Therapy

I have a minor problem: I can't taste or smell. Due to an error on my part, I had an experience resulting in a skull fracture that damaged my olfactory nerve, which controls the part of our brain that register smell and aids in detecting tastes.

I say minor problem because most people don't understand; they take their senses for granted.

The smell of coffee grinds, the smooth taste of good beer, the aroma of coffee or bacon in the morning, the rich velvety taste of Valentine's chocolate, the sweet and intoxicating perfume of a newborn baby, the crisp scent of autumn -- all things I can no longer appreciate. Things that just serve as a distant memory; a placemark to remind me of a mistake I made once in my life.

I joke about it now; it is useful at times. I can shoot vodka straight (without even making the squinchy face), and I can be around sweaty nasty people without gagging. (Okay, maybe the last one isn't that useful but what if I am on a subway full of sweaty basketball players. I cannot foresee a situation like this ever happening but you never know .... ).

I joke about it but it still bothers me deep inside. Our sense of smell is our livelihood. We connect certain smells with memories we have stored in reference to the smell. We associate certain tastes with certain foods that invoke feelings of comfort or feelings of release.

It is a depressing, stripping that leaves me feelings robbed and empty at times. While "favorite" dreams include sex with supermodels and winning the lottery, mine usually involves me being able to taste a Baby Ruth. Pretty hot stuff.

So as you go about your day today, take time to smell the roses (pun intended). Take time to savor that last bite of Porterhouse. Swish a good wine around in your mouth. Pause and consider what your life would be like without that taste or smell.

Hold your nose for a minute and ponder what your life would be like if that was your existence. Then welcome yourself to my world.

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