Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Three Fold Utopian Dream

You know, we have come a long way. A. Long. Way.

We started out with nothing. Literally ... nothing. Neither one of us had a vehicle. Neither one of us had a job (me ... by choice. you ... by circumstance). And we thought neither one of us had a chance at love.

But here we are, almost 2 years to the day that we met (September 01, 2006 ... I remember well and I know you do).

Look where we are now.

We have our lives together, brought together by sheer cirumstance of passing by.

We have our children, brought together by our union of sheer love and respect for one another.
We have us. And that is what I am most astonished by. That we overcame amazing obstacles. That we overcame everyone's objections. That we overcame the distance that haunted us with its many miles of seperation. That we overcame everything that threatened to tear us apart, but could not seperate a union that was destined to be.

You have crossed the barrier that some have tried to cross in the past ... a permanent union with me. Those before you have failed to make that union permanent because they did not possess what you did: Everything that I have needed. Everything that I have wanted.

And I guarantee you ... I promise you ... the union we entered into on the date of our marriage seals our fate for the rest of our lives.

The first year has been phenomenal. I cannot wait for the preceding years. You accept me as I am -- no questions, no judgements. And for that, you have given me the gift of acceptance.
So I give you my loyalty, my trust ... my respect. And in return, I ask only for you.

I love you Husband. I love you dearly. More than these silly words express.

(and the greatest part? i know that you feel the same as i do .. a three fold utopian dream.)

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