Friday, August 10, 2007

As if it were the first day we met ....

By "The One", I don't necessarily mean that there is only a solitary person in the world meant for you and if you never meet them you will be doomed to a loveless life of loneliness and bitter gall.

I don't think it is that simple.

But do you believe that there is One Person that you will love in a way that no other person on earth could ever, will ever, approach? I'm referring to the kind of love where you could intellectually admit to yourself that you've loved people before The One, and you understand that you could love again after them, but you know deeply that all other loves would forever be different from the height and width and depth and scope of that One Love. I'm talking about a kind of love that transcends infatuation, lust, puppy love, or deep friendship; a love that encompasses all of those things but they are peripheral to it. It's the kind of love that fills you up so completely you can't contain it no matter how valiantly you try. It spills and leaks and stains your cheeks. It embarrasses you in its abundance and the way it makes you want to tell the man who sells you sandwiches at the deli all about it, and you don't even care when he cringes with the annoying, cloying sweetness of your speech and that he only cares if you want avocado on your turkey sandwich or not.

The deli man doesn't even know your name, but you want him to know every little thing about the One you Love.

And you know deep inside that this One ... the One ... you could never walk away from the person who "rearranges the jagged stars of your past and smiles at you with love letter eyes"

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